Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Thorne Head Preserve

Today, our first grade class went on our spring field trip to Thorn Head Preserve right here in Bath. The generous Kennebec Estuary Land Trust organized and conducted the trip. They provided the students with a hike along the preserve where they learned about the life cycles of several animals such as the dragonfly, mallard duck, garter snake and green frog. They also assisted the students in a exploratory project by the pond where students were taught the difference between invertebrates and vertebrates and explored the pond for these animals. The field trip was a great success!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Field Day!

As the school year is coming to a close, we had our annual field day. This year, it was unfortunately raining so we held the events in the gym. All of the students enjoyed this fun-filled day!